Monday, 12 May 2008

User-contibruted menu! Thank juanvvc!

Well, my pleas for a nice menu for STPPC2x weren't falling on deaf ears after all. I was recently contacted by juanvvc who has made a fantastic menu for the games that works really well. With his kind permission, I'm going to be including it with the next BETA because it's just so damn useful that within minutes of trying it, I'd modified my whole build environment to use it and put it on my own GP2X to run the games.

So, thank juanvvc for not only giving you a great piece of work but also doing it in such a way that he's been kind enough to provide source for everything included and permission for it to be tied in with STPPC2x. We're going to iron out a few wrinkles first (nothing technical or "wrong", just a few personal preferences of my own) and then it'll become part of the main code.

This will, however, mean that the next version of STPPC2x will have a slightly different directory structure, so you might want to install it into an empty folder and then copy across your INI/SAV files from the older BETA's if you want to keep them. Trust me, though, it'll be worth the effort. I'll post a screenshot when I can get around to it and I'm in the middle of making some a SWF movie to demonstrate the menu, the games and the configuration so that people can see how the newer BETA versions have improved since the first versions.

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