Monday, 12 January 2009

STPPC2x post-v1.0 update

Yes, I'm still working on it!

However, there were a few problems which meant I had trouble getting a working development environment up and running on a new machine - nothing drastic enough to stop coding but it turned from "must do" to "I'll get around to it".

Anyway, I am still coding and there's quite a few changes that have already gone into the main code repository (, but don't think that what you see in there is all that exists... I'm working on a few new features besides those listed in the previous post, it's just that it's a jumble of half-finished, specific-to-my-PC code that doesn't belong in SVN at the moment.

I won't be coding for Pandora, because STPPC2x is the only thing that I enjoy coding on recently and it would be pointless to port because Simon Tatham's original collection will run fine on it because it has full X-Windows support, but I will continue coding for the GP2X even if I'm the only person who actually uses my code! The Wiz is in a strange middle-ground... if I can get hold of one at some point, I may well port STPPC2x over provided it isn't too different from a programmatic point of view but I'm not going to buy one just to do that.

The Changelog at the SVN repository (latest version can always be found here: ) has the lowdown on what I've finished recently (it doesn't sound very exciting!) and I still use what-will-be-v1.1 on my own GP2X when I'm out and about (I do about 3 hours of train journeys every day and take my GP2X everywhere still - perfect for beta-testing!).

It aten't dead!

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